Thursday, February 7, 2013

Smart Business Advertising

 “Smart Business Advertising”, is a topic many companies are beginning to ask more about. The reason being, Companies understand the importance of Smart Business Advertising and how it correlates to their existing business advertising platforms, their industry, and most importantly their customers. The internet and social media awareness has brought new meaning to proactive advertising versus reactive advertising. Historically speaking, advertising in general was all reactive and was designed to attract the consumer through attention grabbing, via well placed advertisements. Albeit, prior to the internet it worked and performed extremely well. The advertising platforms of yesterday were Print Advertising, Direct Mail Advertising, and both Radio and Television Broadcasting. Learning to target the customers through the mediums their customers were most likely to be in front of was the key to advertising.  All these mediums were striving to capture top of mind awareness and create a similitude of cause and effect, in terms of advertising strategy.  The companies which needed to increase brand awareness to sell more products or services were focused on new ways to be in front of the customers. This strategy of advertising was called Interrupt Advertising or Push Marketing. It worked extremely well, and still works till this day as seen in traditional advertising. To give an example, imagine driving down the freeway and after many miles of driving you see a Billboard with some fast food establishment and a picture of a featured item, followed by a statement “Take next off-ramp to refuel with our Tasty Food & Ice Cold Refreshments”. The effectiveness of this form of advertising brought awareness to the driver, who was in fact hungry. Thereby, a classic example of push marketing or interrupt advertising took the consumer to a place in their own mind, thinking “This would be a great place to get something to eat and continue on my trip”. While it was true in those days that this was considered smart business advertising, those times are soon coming to an end, as the consumer has increased their demands for information to be readily available.

Radio was also very instrumental in the early days of advertising, but consider if you will, the question, “What was the last commercial I heard on the way to work this morning?” In most cases you probably cannot recall a simple advertisement you heard on the radio. With so much competition to own a piece of your attention while in your car driving e.g. commercial free Satellite radio, commercial free Pandora radio, commercial free Mp3 Players, CD’s and DVD’s both commercial free, along with the hands free smart phone and smart devices, radio advertisements are becoming less and less effective in making a lasting impression with their customers. Now add to this, the distraction of bumper to bumper traffic, fatigue after a long day at work, and the urge to just get home. Taking into account all these factors, by the time the average consumer gets out of their car, they have long forgotten a 1 minute advertisement they may have heard during the course of their trip.

The face of television has also changed.  In today’s world of DVD’s and Blue Ray’s which offer no commercials, DVR’s with the ability to fast forward through commercials, and Netflix which offers movies via the internet, viewers can choose not to sit through endless commercials. Bottom line, no commercials equates to no return on investment for advertisers.

Consider now, newspaper & magazines.  Why get those delivered anymore when consumers have smart devices which will allow them to receive digital signals, RSS, and even downloadable media into a specific folder to save or read later. Why deal with newsprint on your fingers, or wait for a magazine to be delivered to your mailbox when it’s so much faster and easier to go online and view at your convenience? The next time you visit your local grocery store, think about what you see when you walk in the store. It is advertising dollars being wasted on the very small possibility that someone will walk over and actually be interested in reading a news rack publication. Publications and leaflets are just sitting there, dusty, and usually among low quality editorials. Then factor in the unlikely possibility of someone scanning the pages and by a very remote chance, happen to have the need or desire and find your advertisement. The odds of this happening are about as good as winning the lottery. The point here being, what was once true yesterday for smart business advertising, may, in fact, not be smart business advertising today.

The existence of the internet has now enabled businesses to proactively advertise though a variety of mediums; Website’s, Affiliate marketing, Sponsored ads, Google Adwords, Email, and most recently, the evolution of social media platforms. These new mediums were initially overlooked by both small and large companies, as the early days had no hard data to present as solid evidence to reflect a positive return on investment from advertising dollars. Truth be told, of course there was… it was the growth of the computer infiltrating its way into every home, with personal computers now having a place in almost every room in the home. The internet was supported by a mass enrollment of users with home computing systems, now desiring Internet Service Providers. The result, multiple email accounts being generated across the spectrum of newly founded .com companies being born every day. Through the growth of these different social signals a buying trend was being established which enacted a sort of buying frenzy, with an awareness unprecedented than ever before, to become connected through an interactive medium called…The World Wide Web.

Traditional advertising mediums saw these new infrastructures initially as something which would never catch on in the marketplace. Their mindset was that consumers connected to product buying or shopping patterns though push or interrupt advertising methods, not the internet. Online web users saw this new medium of home computing as informational and pure entertainment along with a way to stay connected through electronic mail (email). Through the many evolutionary changes of search engines and how they strive for market dominance, these search engines knew all too well what lay ahead at the hands of its users. The accessibility of informational gathering and research on product awareness gained the attention of advertisers who realized that through search traffic and search algorithms, companies could now be in the right place at the right time with someone searched for their product or service. Now, with just a few key strokes on Google, Yahoo or Bing being displayed on your computer screen, you instantly see the product or services you were interested in buying. There was an immediate gratification and convenience to learn, shop, and buy while at home or work, never needing to fight traffic, stand in line, or drive to multiple stores in the hopes that the product you were interested in was less expensive, or in stock. The online consumers dictated to the search engines the information they needed, which was acquired through search patterns of the computer user. The ability to retrieve data which was stored on their servers from search queries provided search engines the hard data on what was being searched and where customers were searching.

Today, the methodology of Smart Business Advertising is optimized through a variety of social interactive mediums online. Strategically placing a value proposition with an undeniable call to action in front of the buyer, at the time of interest, will result in a perfect marriage of buyer and consumer. This is called Smart Business Advertising, which ends in a conversion being the transaction.  The closer you can be to the point of sale, the easier it is to result in a sale, thus earning a client. In both flourishing and declining economies, the need to advertise is essential to the growth and profitability of a successful company. In today’s market, where both sides of the spectrum exist, meaning highly profitable companies and companies closing their doors, the one who embraces unique ways to attract relevant traffic from all sources of advertising mediums always comes out the winner. Effective vertical and horizontal marketing strategies targeting your clients in the arenas they spend most of their time is known as profitable marketing and by definition is SMART BUSINESS ADVERTISING.

Our company is solely focused on helping all companies make a footprint in their industry, and it all begins by calling today. We will take the time to learn about your company and your competition, while gathering detailed information on what has worked and what has not proven to be effective advertising. In the end, we will customize a successful marketing plan, tailored just for you, and explain why it works. A professional synergy between you and your clients must constantly be maintained in order to be both profitable and achieve growth, which is the metrics for any successful company. Social interaction puts you in the driver seat as opposed to remaining in the passenger seat. This interaction is not only smart but realistic when you’re striving to drive sales into your company.

The look is over…Call our Smart Advertising Professional Consultants today for a free market analysis of both your online and offline advertising dollars and let Smart Internet Advertising Company help you drive in sales. CALL 877-SEO-1998

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