Monday, January 13, 2014

Increased Search Quality Elicits Best Website Results

Smart Online Advertising Company
Google is constantly trying to improve its search quality and is doing so with its Quality Assurance Team which, earlier this year, released another series of algorithm changes known as Penguin 2.0. With every change that Google institutes, there is always a goal in mind. This round of changes was no different as Google looked to reward websites that give visitors a great experience. As a result, websites have had to dig deep and take a look at what they offer their visitors. They have to improve their overall user experience in order to gain an advantage in search results.

Design And Layout Improvements
Websites owners have had to examine their site design and layout due to entice users to stay on their site.  Any smart internet advertising company will tell you that the goal is to have your website to appear as close to the top of the search results as possible. However, in addition to winning that dominant position, if the user clicks on the site and leaves, being at the top of the search results has failed to convert a user to a customer then it was of no significance. This is where the importance of quality layout and design of the website come into play. Visitors who have a great user experience with a website will continue to visit and even recommend the site to others. Online Advertising Websites at the top of the search results but whose layout and design offers a poor experience are missing one of the key ingredients to a successful online business. What must happen is that an online website advertising company must work with the design and layout of a site to ensure that it entices visitors.

What really makes a website popular is its content. Without good content, visitors will leave and they will not come back. A smart online advertising company, for example, will tell you that content is king. Websites in any niche that have the best content are the ones that attract the most visitors. Attracting visitors is what websites are all about. With enough traffic, an online advertising company can help monetize the site. With the new algorithms and changes instituted by Google, websites are having to improve their content if they care to both rank and convert. Once again, it is the increase in search quality that produces better content.

Functionality Of The Website
One of the biggest things that will turn visitors away from a website, beyond the layout and design, is its functionality. How easy is the website to use? Can visitors navigate throughout the website with relative ease? The answers to these questions can determine how successful, or unsuccessful, a website becomes. A smart online advertising company would recommend allowing visitors the opportunity to give feedback in an effort to improve functionality. Visitors should be able to fill out a questionnaire to do things such as make requests, make reservations, buy tickets, and much more. Websites that improve these types of functionality will improve their conversion and optimize client acquisition.  A smart internet advertising company would tell a website owner that improved functionality will equate to a better user experience.

Enhanced User Experience
Smart Internet Advertising Company recommends that, in order to improve search index results, a website must enhance the overall user experience. When a visitor clicks on a website for the first time, that specific site has precious few seconds to capture the visitor’s attention and force an action. The initial design and layout, as stated previously, will have an impact on whether or not the user stays on the site or clicks away. Sites that have taken the advice of an online website advertising company and improved their design tend to hold on to visitors. Now, the key to keeping the visitors and having them come back repeatedly is the website content. The new Google algorithms are impressing websites to improve their content. It is what visitors want – good content – when they visit a site and if they find what they want, they will continue coming back. Finally, if the functionality of the website allows users to complete the tasks they want, their overall user experience will be positive. This was the ultimate goal of the changes instituted by Google.

Improved Value Score

A website can enhance its value score, which ultimately improves its search results position, by taking heed of the advice above. If the overall visitor experience at a website is positive, we know that those visitors will return to the website. Enhancing that experience entails making some improvements to the current version of a site. The website must be useful. A website is useful when it offers great content and keeps users coming back. The content and the website must address a particular need. Whatever the topic, there must be a target audience that has a need for the information on the website. That means that the website must be designed with the users in mind. Do not forget the ease of navigation within the site. Users should have the ability to move around the site and find the information they are searching for easily. If they cannot, the website will lose them.


Google’s changes had an end in mind. The changes involved with the new Penguin and Hummingbird updates were to improve website results, by eliminating spam, while paying close attention to social signals pertaining to authoritative websites who also engage with social media platforms like Google+. The search index rewards those websites that offer visitors the best experiences. Users will visit websites that have attractive and engaging designs which are laid out in a manner that is easy to view. Good website content is always king and websites with better content are rewarded in search results. Sites that want to improve their position must improve their website content online. The websites that have the best functionality also enhance the overall user experience. In the end, increased search quality helps to improve the quality of websites. By choosing a website advertising company, you will get the website you need!

We realize our clients have options, and those potential clients who are engaged with other SEO Companies have options as well. This is the reason for our blog to help educate the online business community aware their options, which we hope will encourage them to look at all of their online website advertising opportunities. True Search Visibility is really about Smart Internet Advertising Methods, and learning how to funnel website traffic, grow circles of trust, strategically share good website content which all points to one thing; excellent search engine rankings. Too many out there in the online advertising business community have what we consider to be; expect as you were told in the past, or perform as you were taught in the past, and believe that the Best SEO Advertising Company is one who can guarantee rankings in 90 days. Those days are over, and honestly are the reason why there is so much skepticism about search engine optimization. It was never designed to just create spam content and pointing thousands of websites of no relation to your site. True Organic SEO has always about earning your way to the top through excellent website content marketing strategies, so that others would want to share it, click on it, seek after it, and ultimately those who did would buy from you based on your authority in the market place for being so transparent. A website which is always visible with good presence for search terms are those who take the time to write about subject matter pertaining to your business. So it is the premise of this post, to clearly state those old methodologies of increasing an online advertising company search engine rankings is almost the last thing to focus on. Hence, the purpose of the amended changes which were instituted by search engines to ensure quality of search for their users, and potentially you’re Clients. You need to adopt and innovate new ways of looking at true online search visibility which is utilizing smart online advertising methodologies to improve the value of search. If you choose to remain as though you thought presumably from the past, then say good bye to your website visibility as your presence will just not be where you need it to be. Our next post will speak on the subject of Smart Social Media Management Optimization. Learning how to reach those clients through a funnel of smart online advertising methods is the approach to take when also considering what to do in the wash of the storm of Penguin and Hummingbird. 

Thank you for reading our post, and please leave comments and questions we encourage feedback. In the interim, we want to encourage the online advertising community with some options of Smart Online Advertising Companies. Start Smart by calling our Smart Online Advertising Services; to better position your company and website for the future of next generation SEO Advertising Services, so call now and mention this post for a special bonus, CALL 877-736-1998.

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