Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Smart Internet Advertising Company

The world has never been so small in terms of information gathering and sharing via the world of everything internet. What was once covered in tomorrows’ newspaper or broadcast on the 11:00 news is now worldwide news in a matter of seconds. The introduction of the internet and social media awareness has brought new meaning to the spreading of information. However, as we all know from past experience not everything on the internet is trustworthy as it usually comes in as raw data via viral sharing through a vast variety of social media arenas e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Blogs, YouTube, Email, Chat, and mobile devices. The need or desire to verify the legitimacy of such information has almost become nonexistent to most.  It’s as though what’s on the internet must be true otherwise it wouldn’t be on the internet. Nothing could be further from the truth; reporting of inaccurate information still occurs, much like incorrect information being broadcasted over the Television, Radio, and Newspaper. However, today the information is digital and remains there until the site owner, or user on a social media platform takes it down or removes it from their blog. Moreover, in today’s digital age it only takes seconds to gather and share information to a friend or for that matter, to the world with just a few strokes on a keyboard.

So naturally, the question becomes, “What is valid and worthy of news, or reliable and trustworthy versus what is mere speculation or opinion on the side of the user, writer, blogger, or vlogger (video–blogger)?” Trust and quality of content becomes paramount with the search engines, and not so much with the social media arenas. Whereas search engines prefer quality over quantity in most cases, the social media arenas allow its users the flexibility to share raw unverified data to anyone, resulting in the opposite scenario happening here with quantity over quality, thus creating viral spreading or marketing of information. Social Sharing though social media is rapidly becoming the norm of how, and with whom to share information with. Conversely, Search is still predominately a search engine function which resides with many search engines primarily Google, Bing, Yahoo and many others.

How does this all play a role in the mind of a business that has a website? The answer is simple, quality matters when it comes to search engines and quantity matters when it comes to social media.  Consequently, in order to run an effective online advertising campaign you must consider the strengths and weaknesses of both in order to be effective when speaking to the searcher or user. A strong and profitable ad campaign must embrace both the search engine searcher who surfs the web, and the user of a social media arena.

Many companies who have a created a website just to have an online presence, give little thought to the possibility of it ever making money. Other companies are of the mindset that simply having a website will somehow result in an increase in business.  Although both ways of thinking have some merit, their desire to have a website, and the move to create a website was absolutely the right decision. A website, if properly constructed, has the potential to attract new business by virtue of the quality of the content from the search engines, but without smart internet advertising to promote the site, it is limited by the quantity of people who know about it. In order to accomplish both quality and quantity the need exists for a Smart Internet Advertising Company who can effectively leverage the Social Media Arenas, as well as promote the Search Engine results. Doing this takes both time and knowledgeable internet strategy from an online advertising agency. A business owner must first identify its’ clientele and consider the demographics of the online consumer. A website which stands alone will remain alone in the vast world of the internet. A successful website needs to be intimately associated with the business, its existing and prospective customers, and to compete in a world where there are several billion websites created each day, it needs to be both everything to one person while remaining everything to everyone.

Call Smart Internet Advertising Company today and we will bring to your business the world of infinite customers via the internet, in a simple yet comprehensive presentation to ensure your company realizes perpetual growth in the market share. Smart Internet Advertising Company keeps its’ finger on the pulse of everything related to social media marketing and search engine evolution, thereby allowing you to keep your finger on the pulse of your business and your competition, and at the same time reaping the rewards of increased revenue and profitability.